Monday, April 8, 2013

Looking through the eyes of my three year old

Little Miss discovered that she could operate the camera feature on my phone.  She steals my phone at any opportunity and clicks away.  Mostly she shoots pictures of Little Mister, her finger covering up the lens, or her making silly faces. 

 Occasionally though, I’m able to get a little glimpse of life as she sees it.  Here are a few of her better pictures.

Her Legos

The Grocery Cart

Mr. and me cleaning out the fridge and putting away our 
Bountiful Baskets bounty.

I’m so happy to see that she sees us doing things to make our lives healthier.  We participate in the Bountiful Baskets food co-op every week.  I love the Christmas-like surprise every Saturday.  There are so many perks to bountiful baskets.
1.     Financial- usually cheaper than buying produce at the store
2.     Time-aside from volunteering every now and then, you don’t spend time at the grocery store with potential temptations screaming at you.
3.     Meal planning-  I have an easier time thinking of meals to use what I have, rather than thinking of a meal and then buying what I don’t have.  To help with recipes you can like their Facebook page or follow their Pinterest board.
4.     Health- fruits and veggies, you know everything you get fuels your body with nutritionally dense foods.
5.     Fun- I get mystery produce and I have to get creative and try new foods that sometimes appear in my basket, again, thank goodness for the Facebook page, or I wouldn’t have known what to do with kale, purple carrots, gray squash, acorn squash, etc.

So give it a try, even if it’s just for one week. You can find all the information you need on their website but hurry and sign up because they only have a certain amount of spots at each site, and sign up only opens on Mondays and Tuesdays usually.

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