Thursday, March 28, 2013

A Surprising Discovery

Honestly, I started the Take Shape for Life program because I wanted to be the “Hot Mom”.  In some ways, I suppose I’m still that insecure high-school sophomore,( or junior, or senior) :) girl still trying to figure out me and my life purpose.  So I searched and watched tutorials and paid a lot of money to figure a few things out.  I still have a lot to figure out and many of these thoughts have only occurred to me as I type this post.  I’ve colored my hair for almost 15 years, I’ve gotten a spray tan, I recently got acrylic nails and embarked on a very expensive make-up journey, all in the pursuit to feel good about my appearance and ultimately, myself.  Of course I’m not saying that doing any, or all, of these things is bad, but I had all the wrong reasons.  I still thought my worth lied in how I look, and trying desperately to not look like me.  Do I still love make-up? You bet.  Will I still get mani/pedis? Of course! However, as I have lost the weight I’m finding that I feel better.  I’m healthier, my body gets so much more of the nutrients it needs and not all the sugar and emptiness I was feeding myself before. And with that feeling better, I like me.  I have learned to embrace so many of the aspects that I loathed before. I no longer have “man-hands”, I just have “hands” and I’m so grateful for them.  I no longer dread my roots growing out, because I’m going back to my own hair color.   I even went out in public in flip-flops without a pedicure!!  So, why lose weight? To look great in a white bikini (my ultimate swim-suit dream)? No.  To give my body a fighting chance at allowing me to enjoy me and the life that I am meant to live without always yearning to live the life of another? Yes!
Enjoying Tara,

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