Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Go Lean and Green

What does "Lean and Green" meal mean? Everybody should eat at least one lean and green meal a day, period.  Dieting or not, it's just good practice

"For the Lean, you’ll have 5-7 ounces of lean protein; the Green is three servings of low-glycemic vegetables. Depending on your source of protein, you’ll get some healthy fat, too, and that will help keep you full and satisfied."

taken from: http://taracarpenter.tsfl.com/?page=how-it-works

You can find a list of Leans and Greens on the website.  If you happen to be vegetarian, take a look at your Meatless-Lean. options.  We really enjoy trying new creative "greens" since salad everyday gets boring fast.  A few new foods we've tried include: fennel bulb, kale, turnips, butternut squash, and spaghetti squash.  Some of my favorite meals include: Lettuce wrapped turkey burgers with baked butternut squash fries, spaghetti and turkey meatballs with spaghetti squash and cauliflower crust pizza. I even made a lean and green Lasagna using zucchini and yellow squash instead of noodles, and I liked it! (Those of you that know me at all already know that I have always HATED lasagna.) Concluding, I dare you to try a new food. Find something you've never even heard of, google a recipe and try it out.  It's an adventure so maybe don't experiment on dinner guests. Also, if you decide to give TSFL a try and have me as your FREE health coach, I provide a list of lean and green meals that I've personally tried, for your first month, week by week, including recipes. Yep, I make achieving health that easy.

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