Yesterday it rained and rained and rained. Stuck inside all day, Little Miss and I painted up our own little storm. I painted a portrait of some of my favorite foods. We have these foods on hand almost any given day of the week. I thought it represented what I wanted to post about today perfectly. I've received a few questions and concerns regarding Bountiful Baskets that I would like to address, and they both pretty much have the same answer.
1. I think my produce would go bad before I could get around to using it.
2. Is the produce from Bountiful Baskets good?
Yes, the produce from Bountiful Baskets is good. However, sometimes it takes some TLC and reviving what you receive back to life. Here are tips for reviving and making your produce last for as long as possible.
- Give all your produce a vinegar bath when you come home. The vinegar kills any mold spores and other bacteria. This is especially important on berries. I clean my sink first, then add 1 part white distilled vinegar to 3-10 parts water (I don't really measure it out) allow to soak for at least 2 minutes before rinsing with cold water. *They will NOT taste like vinegar
- For veggies such as lettuce and celery that are looking limp and dead soak, them in water to revive the crunchiness. Through osmosis, water will travel into the veggies and bring them back to life.
- Store delicate herbs such as parsley and cilantro like flowers. Put them in water and cover with a plastic bag, then place in the fridge. Do this with asparagus as well.
- Wrap broccoli and celery in aluminum foil and store in the fridge
- To chill or not to chill? Think about where it's found at the grocery store. Zucchini, chill. Tomatoes, not to chill.
- Keep mushrooms in a paper bag
- Freeze anything you won't get to and save it for later.
sources: vinegar wash found here
27 tips for making produce last longer found here
also some came from Bountiful Baskets Facebook page.
This is so helpful, thank you Tara. I am always throwing out lots of fruits and veggies because I never get too them soon enough. I will definitely try these tips! Cute painting!